Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Trilogy?

In my last blog I shared my "divine interruption" that would allow lots of time to write and research for the next few weeks. I've been home from the hospital for a week now and spent most of my time working on my sequel.  I have loved this time and not regretted being ordered by the doctor to stay off my feet and heal.

I get up early and begin my day praying for divine guidance, asking for wisdom and direction in every chapter I write.  I have now finished chapter nine and I don't think it is possible to accomplish what is needed in one novel.  Especially if I am to do justice in explaining what the order of judgments will be in the "day of Jacob's trouble", which is the seven years of the great tribulation.

I realize there are many views on the great tribulation sequence of events and I don't believe any one person can know absolutely sure.  But, I believe there are events that will definitely take place and no one who believes the Bible is the inspired Word of the Living God can deny these events.  My readers (who study and know prophecy) may not all agree with my timelines, but I believe they all will agree with the events that are prophesied to come in the near future.  And Israel is the center of all biblical prophecy and the time clock for the coming events!

I am amazed as I am writing about prophecy and watching world events at the same time, how the two are coming together.  I even wonder if I will have time to finish the sequels before some of the events actually happen...or before the harpazo (rapture) actually occurs.  God knows and perhaps that is the reason I am confined to my recliner for several weeks.

We are in the middle of the blood moon tetrad. (If you don't understand by all means google it and learn!)  The next blood moon is on April 4th, preceded by a total solar eclipse on the first day of God's calendar, April 20th. (See Exodus 12:1 for an explanation of God's new year.)  The signs are in the heavens and something big is about to happen in this world and with Israel.

Watch and pray!  Maranatha, my friends.

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