Friday, January 30, 2015

A Glimpse into the Sequel

After two weeks of almost continuous writing I have finished approximately 1/4 of the sequel.  A lot of time is spent in researching and getting facts in order.  Even though it is written as a novel, I still try to maintain the integrity of prophetic truth and historical information.  

There are varying opinions on the sequence of events that will occur during the seven years of what is referred to as The Tribulation.  I seriously doubt if anyone can predict how the timelines will exactly play out, but most of us that study prophecy can agree on the actual events themselves.  As I am writing the second of what I plan to be a trilogy, I am also watching world events.  I believe something major is getting ready to happen in the very near future that could totally change the world in which we live.

A scenario of end time events does not paint a pretty picture and it is not one that most, even Christians, want to hear about.  However, that does not stop the progression of prophecy playing out exactly as the ancient prophets wrote.

As I write I am praying the Book of Revelation will come to life as it is lived by my characters and connects the prophetic dots of both the Old Testament and New Testament.

In the first half of "The Omega Watchers Released", the story will take the reader through the outcome of the Mid-East War that is about to take place (according to Psalms 83), the destruction of Damascus (Is. 17) the return of the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to Israel (Jeremiah 23), identifying (who I believe) the False Prophet will be (Rev. 13), the confirmed covenant between Israel and the anti-Christ (Daniel 9: 27) and the war of God and Magog (Ezekiel 38 & 39).  The later two will release the first two horses of the apocalypse (Rev. 6).

My entire reason for writing this novel is to help the lay person understand the coming events and be able to share it with their friends and family.  We can't stop what's coming, but God promised he would make a way of escape!

Keep your eyes on Israel!  Maranatha!!

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