Sunday, March 5, 2017

Mark your calendar for May 23rd!

I have been asked to be a guest on 'The Write Stuff' radio show on May 23rd from 7-8 PM EST. Parker J. Cole interviews authors from around the world in the field of Christian speculative fiction. Her shows are fun, high-spirited and very enlightening, and she also gives the listeners a chance to call in during the show with questions.  Please tune in and be a part of this special event as we discuss "The Omega Watcher Series", Book I and Book II. Just copy and paste the following into your browser:

Also, I want to remind those that are reading 'The Third Strand' eBook!  If you have a question you would like to submit to Peter Younghusband make a note while it is fresh on your mind.  After the printed book is released and we have time for readers to submit their questions, he will include the questions in an interview we will do later this spring.  Email Peter with your name and your question at:

I'm looking forward to answering and discussing the questions that will be submitted!

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