Thursday, March 7, 2013

"The Omega Watchers" Chapter 9

I finished Chapter Nine today and I introduced in story form the battle that goes on in the mind of most people at some point of their lives.  I know it did mine when I was in my early twenties.  I found myself asking if I believed in God because I was "taught" to believe, or because I really believed.  I went through a long struggle of finding my own truth and when I did no one could make me doubt again.  The amazing thing was my search for God brought me full circle back to what I had always been taught.  If we seek we will find.

Chapter nine begins the story of a quest to find out why there were so many "gods" in ancient times and still today.  Where did the gods originate from and why did people worship them?  Was man in need of believing there was a stronger power than himself, or did these "powers" exist?  There are certain characteristics that threads from one religious belief to another and is common to all.  By going back to the very beginning we find two strong possibilities that are polar opposites.

Chapter nine reveals one of the views and how easily it is to be seduced by the possibility. In fact, there are millions on this planet that have already fallen into this trap and spreading the message quickly.  The bible talks about the "great deception" of the end times and my prayer is "The Omega Watchers" will be a revealing source of this deception!

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