Sunday, February 26, 2017

Pre-release review of "The Third Strand"

While waiting for "The Third Strand" to be printed and published, I sent the manuscript to Peter Younghusband to read in advance of the release date.  I am excited and humbled by his review.  I have ministered in various ways throughout my life but I can honestly say sharing coming prophetic events in the form of Christian novels has been one of my greatest joys.  I pray many lives will be enriched, informed, challenged, and find a deeper walk with our Lord and Savior through the Biblical information weaved into these end time stores.

I am thankful there are book critics who vet Christian novels for the content being Biblically sound. And I thank 'Reality Calling' for verifying and awarding that my novels adhere to sound doctrine and spiritually challenge the readers.  You can read the review here by clicking the link on my blog header or copy and paste:

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