Thursday, September 25, 2014

Diagnostic Review

When I saw the diagnostic review was completed by my publisher, I took a deep breath before opening the attachment.  I had no idea what to expect!  I was ready for anything, including being told to just forget the whole idea of being a novelist.

I was very pleasantly surprised when I begin to read the editor's comments, part of which is shown below:

The Omega Watchers is a work of true fiction that is one hundred percent original and fictional  and is truly refreshing. The author has done an excellent job of taking her ideas and
forming them into a story with all of the elements that make up a great piece of
fiction.  She has a tremendous amount of dialogue, which is huge in a story like
this one, because it allows the reader to be “shown” instead of “told” by the
author. This book is well written and free of any major errors or problems.

There were some areas that did need editing and that is my current focus.  Plus, I decided to make a major change in the story which will add to the biblical timing of the events.  I had been considering this for some time and by one last editing, I can  make those changes that will add an additional prophetic teaching to the manuscript.  One I plan to build on in the sequel.

I hope to have all edits completed by the first of October.  The publisher is currently working on the book cover and when I submit the final changes The Omega Watchers will be typeset for print and there will be no turning back.

We are looking towards a December release and I am planning to begin the sequel in January.  I've already started notes and the outline.  I have in my mind the plot and ending for the sequel.  When I started my current novel I had no idea (at all!) what I would write about or what would happen in the next chapter.   I didn't know until the very end how it would end.

Hopefully, the sequel won't take two years.  Judging from what's prophetically going on in the world, we may not even be here in two years!

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