A personal note from the author part of me.
As with my first novel, I would intensely write for days or weeks and then life events would take over. It's only natural the same would be with the sequel. I have it approximately 2/3 finished. However, something else has been weighing heavy on my heart.
I wanted to share on my blog a post to my personal FB page about the direction of my current writing.
January 11, 2015
Very few people know many years ago I started my first book...a children's book based on the lives of two very special little girls that were a big part of my life. They were going through heart breaking circumstances that reflected the lives of so many children in our society. I wrote in segments that were published in a monthly publication (Christian Way). The editor said a grandfather told her he waited anxiously to read what happened next, to his granddaughter he was raising who had gone through similar circumstances.
Spiritual battles came from many sides in my life and what I had written was filed away and my love for writing put on hold. I never finished that book. Recently, it's been weighing on my heart to complete this assignment. My sequel to 'The Omega Watchers' may temporarily be put on hold to finish "Solomon's Journey" to be dedicated to my soon arriving granddaughter who will be named the main hero character written in my book of 2002....Faith.
After prayerfully considering continuing "Solomon's Journey", I have come to a conclusion. I want to do a series of journeys...not just one children's book. I'm considering starting a new blog where these stories can be posted and read to children at no cost.
As a result, there will be interludes in writing my sequel as I also work on this series of journeys for the angel dog, Solomon.