Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A Writer's "Aha!" Moment

I love those "Aha" moments as a writer!  I have my sequel well over half written, but I have constantly struggled with something not feeling just right. I felt like the content of The Omega Watchers' sequel was right on, but my inner spirit kept nudging me there needed to be something else added to the plot to make it more prophetically spot on in the Christian world of debates on end time events.  I could not put my finger on what I was not satisfied with and kept praying for the Holy Spirit's guidance.

Well, last night it became crystal clear and I am so excited as I can see now how the sequel is going to play out.  I still have details to edit and more chapters to write, but I am praising my Heavenly Father this morning for guidance as I continue this journey of writing both for His glory and to inform readers of what is getting ready to take place on planet earth, according to the Holy ancient prophetic writings.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A Wonderful Writer's Interruption

Dear Readers,

Sometimes life brings heart ache and disappointment.  Other times there are blessings beyond description.   I have been truly blessed!  In this past year our only daughter married a wonderful Christian man and became pregnant.   After two months of pregnancy complications in the last trimester, they now have a beautiful, perfectly healthy baby daughter; and these are answers to a mother's many years of prayers.  When you hold in your arms the precious daughter of your precious daughter, even an author struggles for the words that portray the inner emotions.

Now it is time to get back to writing!  Often times when I am rocking little Faith Katan, I am praying both for her and for the direction my sequel will take.  This interlude in writing has allowed me time to ponder the numerous chapters I have already written and do some research on some major parts I want to add or change to the plot.  I have some ideas and concepts I am anxious to interweave into the storyline that I do not think have been used before in plots (at least not to my knowledge).  I am going to have several avid readers proof the final version to try to make sure before publishing.

My goal is to complete and publish The Omega Watchers Sequel, by fall.  I always appreciate your prayers that the will of my Heavenly Father be done!